June 29, 2022 | CCA Santa Fe
On Set with Emma Stone, “The Curse”:
My oh my. On the set and paid to do a scene with oh, yes, the one and only Emma Stone, best actress at the Oscars for LaLa Land. She entered the film set wearing the Covid mask, her unmistakable green eyes shining above it. During a break as she swept by me, I quietly greeted her. She paused, smiling, holding my outstretched hand, while I whispered “so nice to work with you.” I only had a few lines in one episode of her new show for Showtime The Curse, but stood close to her. She had one one line directed at me, standing less than two feet away for a moment, before I flounced off, after an associate of her character’s dissed me. Then, as part of a queue of patrons waiting to see a performance art piece, I watched as she walked across the gallery after seeing the installation. Wow. A young actor I talked to in our dressing room called it, “a master class in acting.” Without words, she showed various emotions on her face and in her stride, take after take, each different and more complex than the last, until everyone was satisfied: she nailed it.
Live Talk | September 15, 2018, 2:00 p.m.
Memoirs-in-progress at Op Cit Books in Santa Fe's DeVargas Mall:
Andee Baker and Rachel Spring read from excerpts of their upcoming memoirs about "female journeys toward independence".
Andee and Rachel will alternate with sections from their memoirs, followed by questions from the audience.
Pan's Dream | July 2017
Film Short | Created by Sam Escobedo
Andee Baker plays woman with nightmare in Escobedo's short film reminding our culture about our non-rational selves.
Santa Fe Playhouse
Benchwarmers | Fall 2016
Andee Baker plays the role of Marg, with Robyn Reade as Fran, in Terry Riley's "Obitz".
A Santa Fe staple, now in it’s 15th year, Benchwarmers presents 8 new one acts in an evening.
Featuring these shows and authors:
Obits by Terry Riley
Ten O’clock by Talia Pura
Improbable Encounter by Ann Bendan
In Ma’s Driveway by Michael Burgan
Michael’s Last Words by Dianna Lewis
Pigeons by Marguerite Louise Scott
Routine Stop by Jon Barr
Cold Cuts & Champagne by Larry Glaister